Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nikto Web Scanner

Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3300 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated (if desired).

Nikto is not designed as an overly stealthy tool. It will test a web server in the shortest timespan possible, and it's fairly obvious in log files. However, there is support for LibWhisker's anti-IDS methods in case you want to give it a try (or test your IDS system).

# Uses rfp's LibWhisker as a base for all network funtionality
# Main scan database in CSV format for easy updates
# Determines "OK" vs "NOT FOUND" responses for each server, if possible
# Determines CGI directories for each server, if possible
# Switch HTTP versions as needed so that the server understands requests properly
# SSL Support (Unix with OpenSSL or maybe Windows with ActiveState's Perl/NetSSL)
# Output to file in plain text, HTML or CSV
# Generic and "server type" specific checks
# Plugin support (standard PERL)
# Checks for outdated server software
# Proxy support (with authentication)
# Host authentication (Basic)
# Watches for "bogus" OK responses
# Attempts to perform educated guesses for Authentication realms
# Captures/prints any Cookies received
# Mutate mode to "go fishing" on web servers for odd items
# Builds Mutate checks based on robots.txt entries (if present)
# Scan multiple ports on a target to find web servers (can integrate nmap for speed, if available)
# Multiple IDS evasion techniques
# Users can add a custom scan database
# Supports automatic code/check updates (with web access)
# Multiple host/port scanning (scan list files)
# Username guessing plugin via the cgiwrap program and Apache ~user methods

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